• 30 ноября 2018, пятница
  • Москва, Большая Татарская д.7

Семинар от National Geographic Learning. Ведущий Alex Warren

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2291 день назад
30 ноября 2018 c 15:30 до 18:30
Большая Татарская д.7

Приглашаем вас посетить семинар издательства National Geographic Learning для преподавателей, который состоится 30 ноября в Бизнес-центре "Букбридж"

Расписание мероприятия:

15 30 – 16 00 — регистрация участников

16.00 – 16.50 –  Connecting Learners to the World — the Power of Personalisation 


 17.00 – 18.00 –  Developing 21st Century Proffesionals with TED

Ведущий сеимнара:

Alex Warren    is a DELTA trained teacher trainer with over 15 years’ experience of working in ELT as a teacher, academic director and teacher trainer. Prior to his experiences in ELT, Alex worked as a journalist before a chance encounter in the Indonesian jungle began him on the path which has led him to working with National Geographic Learning. A firm believer in a communicative approach to language learning and student-centred learning, Alex enjoys working with innovative, thought-provoking materials and presenting on a wide range of ELT-related topics, all the while driven by his passion for developing teachers on a global scale and helping them to reach their true potential. 


Connecting Learners to the World — the Power of Personalisation

Life in the 21st century is a life living in a global community. As such it’s vital to not only enable students to communicate effectively but to have an understanding of and be able to make connections to that world. We need to teach students about other people, cultures and places of the world, but at the time we also need to make it relevant to them, to make it personal. And so enabling them to make connections between themselves and others is vital. After all, they are all connected through the lingua franca they are learning. In this session we’ll explore how using Life 2nd edition we can connect learners to the world through personalisation and bring the classroom to life.


Developing 21st Century Professionals with TED

It’s a big bad world out there and it’s a place where if you want to not just survive but succeed, you have to have the necessary skills and knowledge. With 3 billion non-native speakers of English in the world, it is undeniably the lingua franca of the world, but students don’t need to just be able to communicate in English. It needs to be so much more than that. They need to be able to do everything in English. Referencing National Geographic Learning’s Keynote series, in this practical session we’ll explore how we can use TED Talks to help develop the skills and knowledge students really need to get ahead and be successful 21st century professionals.




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