Второй семинар серии будет посвящен вопросам формирования навыков критического мышления «21 Century Skills in ELT class». . Ведут семинар директор Института дополнительного профессионального образования ММА Евгений Владимирович Усачев и заместитель директора ООО «Онара» по академической части Наталья Евгеньевна Колина.
Содержание семинара
In the 21st century, learning environments should be seen as the support systems that organize the condition in which young people learn best.
Schools in general and ELT classrooms in particular should provide students with practices and processes focused on acquiring and developing, among other things, creativity, critical thinking, collaboration, and communication.
Critical thinking teaches students to develop a mindset that involves thinking reflectively, rationally and reasonably.
Creativity teaches students to generate ideas of different types and look at things from different perspectives.
Collaboration teaches students that groups can create something bigger and better than you can on your own.
Communication teaches students the best ways to receive, provide and exchange information.
Combined, the four C’s empower students to become one-person think tanks.
We’ll be discussing how these can be developed in the present scheme of ELT class to equip our students to succeed at work and in life in changing times.
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